LÓPEZ-QUINTERO, A.; GARCÍ­A-ZAPIÉN, A. G.; FLORES-MARTÍ­NEZ, S. E.; DÍ­AZ-BURKE, Y.; GONZÁLEZ-SANDOVAL, C. E.; LOPEZ-ROA, R. I.; MEDINA-DÍ­AZ, E.; MUÑOZ-ALMAGUER, M. L.; SÁNCHEZ-CORONA, J. Contribution of polymorphisms in the LEP, LEPR and RETN genes on serum leptin and resistin levels in young adults from Mexico. Cellular and Molecular Biology, [S. l.], v. 63, n. 8, p. 10–18, 2017. DOI: 10.14715/cmb/2017.63.8.3. Disponível em: http://mail.cellmolbiol.org/index.php/CMB/article/view/1254. Acesso em: 16 sep. 2024.