ISMAIL, S.; NAVEED MUSHTAQ, M.; SHABBIR, U.; SAIMA; RAZZAQ, A.; RAMZAN, H. M. .; SHOUKAT, A. .; AHSAN, H.; MOVAFAGH, A. .; KAHRIZI, D. .; ANJUM, I. Evaluation of Hepatoprotective and Gastroprotective Activities of Paspalidium flavidum Leaves Extract in Experimental Animal Models: Hepato- and gastroprotective effect of Paspalidium flavidum. Cellular and Molecular Biology, [S. l.], v. 68, n. 10, p. 8–14, 2022. DOI: 10.14715/cmb/2022.68.10.2. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.