Special Issue Proposal
Cellular and Molecular Biology is indexed/abstracted in more than 35 retrieval Journals, and among them :
Medline/PubMed, Thomson Reuters, Crossref, Scopus and Google Scholar
Special Issues are an essential part of Cellular and Molecular Biology. Their subjects are more sharpen; they are of great ongoing matter entering in the area covered by our journal. They have to be arranged by experts well-known in the domain and they should gathered articles of the highest quality. Special Issue proposals can be submitted at any moment.
Proposed tasks of the lead Guest Editor:
1. Writing a call for papers (if theme issue open for all submissions within the scope of the Special Issue) to be published online.
2. Conducting timely, controlled peer reviewing process for submitted manuscripts by 2 neutrals reviewers for each manuscript.
3. Sending the final revised version of the accepted manuscripts (formatted according to Author's Instructions) to the editorial board.
4. Writing an editorial to be published in your Special Issue.
Kindly Send your proposal Check List:
1. Suggested title for the Special Issue ;
2. Proposed Aims and Scope;
3. Names, affiliations and e-mails of the proposed Special Issue Guest Editorial Team;
4. Proposed timeline (Start and end dates of submission, reviewing and revision of manuscripts;
5. A draft of the call for papers (if theme issue open for all submissions within the scope of the Special Issue.
to the Editorial Office at: editorial.office@cellmolbiol.org